My website appears to finally be functioning properly… thank goodness! What a stressor on top of trying to get my little ones sleep issues worked out, and being sick it’s been a ghost town around here lately! Well, she’s been asleep for an hour straight, my website is working again, and I have lots and lots of backed up previews to show you!
I had such a great time with this crew at Hillside, which for many reasons has been a favorite spot since moving to Shavertown. It’s often full of photographers, but it never stops me from finding hidden nooks and the flora is always changing as things bloom and grow. The little creek is sometimes super high and fast, and others low enough that we can put our feet in and have some fun with the older kiddos. I just love it!
While we didn’t get to go in the water for this particular session, we did get to enjoy the farm for the evening. Part of the time even with my poor Madilynne strapped in her Tula 🙂 The boys had fun chasing ducks… and little brother had fun running as far from the camera as he could get. His expressions we cracking me up at every turn when I was culling through what to edit. Big brother has the sweetest innocent smile, and lashes to die for. Sometimes bigger groups throw me off because there are so many personalities to work with but these guys were the absolute best! Here are just a few of their ginormous gallery…