I couldn’t wait to get home last night and work on these previews!!! I just love shooting in new locations, and this location is near and dear to the families heart. These three decided to get together and put a gift certificate they won in a contest to good use, towards a custom session to surprise their Mom with for Christmas! I am in love with the way they turned out, and the fact that we were able to tie in the location to a place that their Mom loves. We even did a few shots with her favorite chickens 🙂 Little brother just happened to be home on leave for a few days, so we snuck in a session during his visit. I had a blast working with these three!
On a side note, not many of you would know I actually grew up on a farm… believe it or not! Sadly our barn burnt down when I was in middle school, but as a small child the farm was a huge part of my families life. I have always wanted to do a cute farm session. Mission accomplished!