A little IVF round 2 update, a long overdue one! So — where am I at in this cycle? In a nutshell? Still on meds, and awaiting the big embryo transfer day! But, there has been some news!
Before we talk about the news though, a confession. Truth be told I thought I had this cycle in the bag. Thought I was doing so well handing it all! Thought I was above letting it make me crazy this time around… but. I was wrong. This last week has been hard. Really hard… and I’ve been mess. Emotionally. Physically. A mess. It’s affecting my work. I don’t like to admit it but I caved a bit to the pressure of it all this week. The side effects of the meds, the stress of scheduling my shots while Troy is out of town, a crazy schedule, already anticipating how stressful the wait after the transfer will be, how I will handle the news if it isn’t in our favor. Trying to pull it together over here, but I have to say thank you to my sweet clients for your understanding and to the friends that have come down to visit and helped keep me distracted ❤
The news — We were delayed from our original hopeful transfer date of March 25th-ish… so my drug schedule was extended, and we waited. I went in for weekly checkups. Not much happened… until March 30th! On March 30th I had a checkup in Allentown, and it was the news we had been waiting for after having been delayed a handful of times because my body wasn’t responding exactly as it was supposed to be. So, later that day after awaiting the news of my latest bloodwork a few hours I got the call. Green light for embryo transfer! That call from my nurse consisted of a whole lot of note taking on times, med changes, and blur. Embryo transfer was scheduled for April 9th!!! We chose to transfer one embryo. Our highest graded embryo — we will know the sex of that embryo because of our extensive PGD chromosome testing on our embryos.
So, now what? My meds are in high gear right now. A handful of pills and 2-3 injections a day. On April 8th I will go in for a final ultrasound and blood work, my meds will change a bit again, then if all goes as planned we will head to RMA of NJ for our transfer on April 9th. Then we will wait. I’m not great at waiting, but who is? In all of this so much is hard, but nothing is harder than those days of not knowing if sinking my soul and so much money into this cycle will end in a healthy pregnancy. Of course we hope and pray it will, I try not to dwell (too much) on what will have to happen if we don’t. If it will knock me off my feet. If I’ll be strong enough to handle that gracefully. I try not to get too excited, because I fear that means if it doesn’t work it hurts even more. I’ve had hundreds of negative pregnancy tests in my hands in the 6ish years we tried to conceive Madilynne. So, knowing that there are no guarantees in any cycle, I am cautiously optimistic.
On April 18th I will have my first HCG test in Allentown. Now that we have the transfer date set, the next big date is looming in the distance. I hope to be back with some exciting news shortly thereafter!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to those of you that have reached out with words of encouragement! I appreciate you more than you know ❤
I haven’t gotten the big camera out at all since my meds arrived, but I have been sharing some random updates in Instagram, as promised!